Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Celebrate good times- come on!
 Yippee!  Good job!  Yeah!!!!!!!!
Way to go!!!!!!!!!
We enjoyed a 2 minute "hip hip hooray," back-patting, hands in the air goal celebration with these pixie stick balloons and a lot of positive cheers.
We give the Dibels (VIP) assessment 3 times a year and we just received the results from the January tests. We celebrated reaching our reading goals and growth in a meaningful and fun way. I called each child's name, one at a time, to get their "balloon" while the class cheered for all.  It was grrrrrrrrrr-eat! 
The balloons state the goal for each area (phoneme segmentation, nonsense word fluency and reading connected text) and the child's score for each area. 

VIP Testing reward balloon -An s is missing at the end of the word "word"- I just wrote it in before I copied onto construction paper. Oops!


Alexandra Thiessen said...

Precious idea! How encouraging for the kiddos! Thanks for sharing!


First Grade Best said...

Love this! Thanks for sharing


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