Myrtle Beach, SC
(South Carolina International Reading Association)
I love attending a conference such as this where you are just immersed in good stuff- so many great ideas to be taken and added to your "bank of ideas". First of all, the food was DE-licious. Need I say more? This was NOT cafeteria food! Here is a picture of one of the wonderful lunches. Now THAT's a teacher lunch!
My and my room buddy/colleague also splurged and had coffee delivered to our door each morning-heavenly!
Oh yea- back to the learning that took place- really, there was some!
2. Phoneme Segmentation str-e-e-e-tch: Donna Whyte's session was filled with so many wonderful ideas. Her website has the SCIRA handouts. You can click and print to see the ideas she shared. And- if you do not have her book Morning Meeting/Afternoon Wrap Up it's a must! She is an engaging and funny speaker with lots of heart for children. The idea I LOVED that she found from an Alaskan teacher was hooking letter cards to a piece of elastic and then stre-e-e-e-tching the elastic to illustrate the stretching of a word, as the letters stretch apart. You then release the elastic so the word goes back together. Brilliant!
3. Leader Board Our school is jumping on board a big leadership theme and this idea supports leadership. This is another Donna Whyte idea. It is to create an "expert" or "leader" book or board to display the names of students and their expert roles. For example, if you have someone really great at opening milk cartons, you would add the title "milk opener expert" and add names of students who do this well. When a child needs help with this, you refer them to a class "milk opener expert." This idea is to have many categories since we all have different strengths. Other ideas are shoe tying expert, technology expert, expert folders, etc.
Here are my favorite TOP 3 ideas from the conference...
1. Story Walk: I give full credit of this idea to Kathy Bumgardner .Her website is However, her version did not quite meet my needs in first grade, so I rallied some assistance from my first grade team to come up with this first grade friendly version and I call it "Story Walk and Talk." You use it to assist students with retelling a story- in a fun way! One side is for fiction and if you flip it over, the other side is for nonfiction. So, the student walks the "path" and retells the story using the prompts to guide them. Isn't that just the coolest?? I think so! So, I want to share one with TWO lucky bloggers. Keep reading to find out how to win your colorful and laminated, ready-to-use "story walk and talk!" 2. Phoneme Segmentation str-e-e-e-tch: Donna Whyte's session was filled with so many wonderful ideas. Her website has the SCIRA handouts. You can click and print to see the ideas she shared. And- if you do not have her book Morning Meeting/Afternoon Wrap Up it's a must! She is an engaging and funny speaker with lots of heart for children. The idea I LOVED that she found from an Alaskan teacher was hooking letter cards to a piece of elastic and then stre-e-e-e-tching the elastic to illustrate the stretching of a word, as the letters stretch apart. You then release the elastic so the word goes back together. Brilliant!
3. Leader Board Our school is jumping on board a big leadership theme and this idea supports leadership. This is another Donna Whyte idea. It is to create an "expert" or "leader" book or board to display the names of students and their expert roles. For example, if you have someone really great at opening milk cartons, you would add the title "milk opener expert" and add names of students who do this well. When a child needs help with this, you refer them to a class "milk opener expert." This idea is to have many categories since we all have different strengths. Other ideas are shoe tying expert, technology expert, expert folders, etc.

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